My parents cancelled my birthday by Jo Simmons

Illus. by Nathan Reed. Bloomsbury, 2019. ISBN: 9781526606587.
(Age: 9 - 12) Recommended. Themes: Birthdays; Family; Humorous
stories. Tom is looking forward to his birthday but several
dilemmas, including the pet pig falling off the roof and squashing
his Grandmother's chihuahua, leads to the decision to cancel his
'special' birthday acknowledgement. Tom's father is unsuccessfully
attempting to finish his book, his mother is stressed and working
too hard, his Grandmother decides to hold a seance to 'speak' to the
now dead pet and his sister's missing tooth and the curse of the
tooth fairy all work against Tom and his attempts to restore the
birthday celebration. Fortunately, he finds that friends can help
him, and even chickens listen to him to enable him to plan his own
festivity to acknowledge his birthday.
Jo Simmons has written a silly litany of disasters that young
readers will find amusing. At every turn everything goes wrong, and
there are some impossible moments that are extremely eccentric.
Young readers will be entertained, and the suspension of disbelief
required to accept some of the quirks in the plot will not cause
them distress.
Carolyn Hull