My magnificent jelly bean tree by Maura Finn

New Frontier Publishing, 2016. ISBN 9781925059588
(Age: 5+) Highly recommended. My Magnificent Jelly Bean Tree
is a story for the imagination. The rhythmical, rhyming text will
help build and develop a young reader's fluency and expression and
their imaginations will soar with all of the possibilities a jelly
bean can bring.
Our main character is a young boy who dreams of sprouting a tree
from a jelly bean. Every page is a wonderful illustration of the
possible adventures he could have in and with his jelly bean tree.
The rhyming text is magical and descriptive and the book is highly
recommended for readers aged 5+. Young readers will love reading it
with an adult or older child and readers aged 7+ will enjoy reading
it on their own.
My Magnificent Jelly Bean Tree would be a great book for the
classroom as it can be used to investigate poetry and rhyme and to
deconstruct into a storyboard. Imagine the amazing illustrations
children can create!
Kylie Kempster