My green day by Melanie Walsh

Walker Books, 2012. ISBN 978 1 4063 3001 4.
Warmly recommended for younger readers. Picture book. Environment.
With the subtitle, 10 things I can do today, the books has a
smiling face peering out of the round hole in the cover inviting
readers inside. When she wakes she tells us that she eats free range
egg for breakfast, and this is shown in the illustrations, while in
smaller print at the bottom of the page, the term, free range, is
explained. One the next page we are told that she places the egg
shell in the compost bin, and this is shown, again with an
explanation of why this is done. Through ten double pages, many with
an inset, we see the things the narrator can do at home to be green,
thinking about her impact upon the environment. Each page is loaded
with things children can talk about. Each page would act as a
springboard for a class discussion or small group discussion.
I really like the way the publisher uses cut outs and part pages to
create interest in turning each page, and the bold swathes of single
colour too added to the interest for the reader. I can imagine this
book being used in the classroom, with a teacher using it to
introduce a topic about being green, or the environment, or what to
do at home to help the planet, and about recycling. There are
endless possibilities, but make sure you have a muffin recipe ready
to use.
Fran Knight