My funny family moves house by Chris Higgins

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Ill. by Lee Wildish. Hachette, 2014. ISBN 9781444918410.
Mattie Butterfield reports on the chaotic life of her tight knit family chronicling their lives and adding to her extensive Worry List. The family home is bursting at the seams but is moving the best option?
With the arrival of baby Will the Butterfield family now number eight and that's not counting Jellicoe the dog and constant visitors Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Vesuvius. Everyone is packed in. Mattie discovers during a maths class on division that while some families have one person to seven rooms her family has less than one room per person. No wonder they are crowded.
The fortunes of the family change however when the lottery ticket Uncle Vez bought Mum for her birthday proves to be a winner. When Mum and Dad start looking for a new house Mattie has more worries to add to her list, but the biggest one is 'I don't want to move schools', when it appears they will move to a larger house a long way away.
Solving their overcrowding problem and the moving schools issue has Mum wishing she had never won the lottery but a solution is just next door.
Written in the first person we have Mattie's view of the family which brims with warmth and love.
Sue Keane