My first Animalia by Graeme Base

Puffin, 2013. ISBN 9780670077489.
(Age 3+) Highly recommended. Picture book. Alphabet. Animals. My
first Animalia introduces the wonderful world of Animalia
to a young audience, complete with a lift the flap, word list and a
wonderful 'hidden land of beasts and birds' illustration for each
letter of the alphabet.
What I particularly liked about this book is the fact that it can be
used on so many levels. A young child just learning the alphabet can
trace fingers over a large capital letter and small letter on the
left hand side of the book, and then on the right hand can be found
four small illustrations that start with the letter and a picture of
an animal starting with that letter. For example 'Bb' has a picture
of a butterfly and the words 'Beautiful Blue Butterflies'. Lift the
flap and a word list to match the small pictures is revealed as well
as a fabulous illustration which incorporates more 'b' words that
can be searched out by an observant reader. A tantalising phrase,
'Beautiful blue butterflies basking by a babbling brook' can be used
by an adult to extend the vocabulary of young children. There is no
dumbing down in this book and I can imagine young children
delighting in the alliteration of the phrases and the new images
that are evoked. Older children will be able to return to the book
and extend their vocabularies in fascinating ways.
I love the illustrations that combine beauty and humour. Imagine the
mythical lovely unicorn sharing an illustration with an ugly gnome
playing a ukulele in his underpants!
This book is a keeper and would be a splendid present for young
children just beginning to become interested in letters and words.
It is an ideal book for stimulating the imagination and having fun.
Pat Pledger