My fantastic father by Susannah McFarlane

Ill. by Lachlan Creagh. Little Mates series. Scholastic, 2012. ISBN 978
1 74283 223 4 6.
(Ages 4+) Alphabet books, Australian animals. Freya and Felix
show off their fantastic fathers and the fabulous things they can do.
Think of anything beginning with the letter f, and there it is:
football, frittatas, flapjacks, and so on, all being done on a
Friday. The two devise something to celebrate their fantastic
fathers, and a fabulous feast beneath the frangipani tree with a
festival and lots of food. This is yet another in the series of Little
Mates, offering a little, hand sized book of simple stories of
Australian animals from A to Z.
Small children will love this series of Australian animals, and join in
with finding things which begin with the nominated letter as well as
following the bright illustrations with anticipation and glee.
Fran Knight