My dog gets a job by Elizabeth Fensham

University of Queensland Press, 2017. ISBN 9780702259593
(Age: 7+) Recommended. I recommend this book to 7+ readers and pet
lovers of any age.
What is a nine year old boy to do when his dog is constantly getting
into trouble? Eric is in just that situation, his dog Ugly is always
getting himself into trouble. For example, what is a dog supposed to
do when a fresh
roast chicken is left on the bench to cool . . .
Eric finds himself faced with the difficult task of finding a job,
that will keep Ugly busy and stop them both from getting into
trouble.With the help of his friends they come up with a list of
suggested jobs that Ugly can do, some possible some not so. Eric is
determined to keep trying until he is able to find Ugly a job that
will make life better for both of them.
There are some hilarious situations as Ugly has a go at a number of
different jobs until he finally finds the one that is right for him.
Through the book Eric learns the importance of accepting people even
if they are a bit different.
Karen Colliver