My brother is a beast by Damon Young

Ill. by Peter Carnavas. UQP, 2017. ISBN 9780702259579
(age: 4+) Highly recommended. Siblings, Family, Rhyming story, Read
aloud. From the creators of My sister is a superhero, comes
an equally funny sequel, where her brother is a beast. In a series
of eight line stanzas, the first three double lines tell of what
other brothers do:
Some brothers scrub with sponges
to clean glue from dirty doors',
each set of six lines ending with the refrain,
'But my brother is a beast . . . '
The repetition is infectious and the repeated last two lines will
have kids in gales of laughter, working out what the rhyme will be,
following the antics of the beastie brother.
Each page is filled with colour and laughter, movement and music as
the brothers show their skills at playing drums, or the bassoon, or
harp, or clean the stables, or make a table, or row a canoe. But
towards the end of the story, the children are tiring out as the
brothers sleep in a hammock, or laze in an armchair, while the beast
of a brother makes a cave of sheets for his sister to sleep in.
Carnavas' watercolour and ink illustrations suit the mood of the
story beautifully as he repeats the round eyed children motif, and
children will watch out for the array of animals he includes on each
page. Children will love to read this book aloud, reading along with
the older reader, predicting rhymes for themselves. The book lends
itself to making up lines using the model given in the book, and
drawing the children in different situations, using Carnavas'
drawings as a template. I can imagine lots of brainstorming of
lines, 'Some brothers . . . ' and 'But my brother . . . ',
encouraging younger readers to learn about rhyme, rhythm and metre
at an early age.
Fran Knight