My Australia by Julie Murphy

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Ill. by Garry Flaming. NLA Publishing, 2018. ISBN 9780642279163
(Age: 4+) Highly recommended. "My Australia is a poetic journey across the Australian landscape. Celebrating both the ancient and modern Australia, the book invites readers to travel across the delights of our continent - from dry deserts to lush rainforests, from high mountains to stormy seashores, from winding rivers to fertile swamplands - all the magical places that are my Australia." (Publisher)
This is a beautifully illustrated book about Australia, it touches on all of the unique areas that can be found in Australia in a simply written story. At the end of the book there is a section that gives information on the diverse range of habitats that can be found within Australia.
This book could be used as a starting point to introduce the topic of different habitats within Australia.
I highly recommend this book for 4+.
Karen Colliver