My (almost) perfect puppy by Meredith Costain and Danielle McDonald

Olivia's secret scribbles. Scholastic, 2018. ISBN 9781760277079
(Age: 6-8) Recommended. Themes: Pets. Friendship. Therapy pets.
Diaries. Olivia likes to record important things in her Big Book of
Private Secrets. But they are not so secret... because we get to
read them! In this book, Ella's younger sister Olivia shares about
her friendship with her 'across the back fence' friend Matilda, her
struggles with her siblings (especially Ella), and all about her
not-so-perfect pet puppy, Bob. Bob gets into rubbish bins, is too
energetic and makes life very difficult when he visits Great-Nanna
Peggy in her home at Golden Gardens (a 'golden oldies' home). Bob
does eventually redeem himself, but not without first creating
This book will be enjoyed by young female readers as Olivia branches
out on her own away from her sister Ella. This is an easy chapter
book with naive cartoon-style drawings (with pink highlights) and a
simple view of life and problems.
Recommended for readers aged 6-8.
Carolyn Hull