Mutant city by Steve Feasey

Bloomsbury, 2014. ISBN 9781408843031.
(Ages: 13-15) Highly recommended. I really enjoyed this book which I
read in three sittings and I highly recommend as an attractive read
for reluctant boy readers particularly in years nine and ten. The
subject matter, dystopian society and mutants with powers, and its
bright embossed cover and the attention paid to the blurb will
attract many readers. It is a fast paced plot driven story packed
with adventure and adrenalin.
Five very young children are rescued from an experimental science
facility and hidden away in safe houses. Thirteen years later they
each telepathically receive a message to go to Mutant city. In
particular we follow Rush as authorities aware of his existence raid
his farmhouse. He escapes but realises he will have to cross the
wastelands in order to avoid the troops. He also realises that he
has an important mission to accomplish while on his journey.
Meanwhile Tia from her privileged position in the inner citadel
seeks to go into Mutant city in order to expose the unfairness of
life in the ghettos. She meets Jax, a strange mutant who is
seemingly the leader of a resistant mutant group, he persuades her
that she needs to get him and his friends into the citadel.
There is a strong cast of male and female characters, and if there
is one strong lesson from this story it is that a united team can
achieve more than individuals standing on their own. Steve Feasey
also pictures two societies living side by side which to my mind
suggests a sense of the slums outside some of the great cities such
as Rio de Janeiro and Mumbai and the inequality.
Even though set in the future after war, the themes really are about
prejudice and rights and thus can be useful in helping to explore
broader themes.
This is also a strongly marketed book using social media which may
useful in selling the novel to readers. The book sets itself up for
the inevitable sequel mutant uprising.
Michael Jongen.