Mum's jumper by Jayde Perkin

Book Island, 2019. ISBN: 9781911496137.
(Age: 4+) Recommended. Themes: Grief, Loss, Death. Loss and death
are never too far from many children's lives and so a book helping
children accept the death of a loved one will have a place in a
classroom or home, where quiet time reading a book together can help
children understand, in a small way, what has occurred.
In this the young girl visits Mum in hospital, and later when her
Mother dies, the routine of the death process is shown. People come
and go, expressing sorrow, crying, saying a range of things which
sound like platitudes, they offer support, flowers are given, but
the girl finds it hard. She cannot concentrate at school, she feels
like a large black cloud is hanging overhead, and despite all her
friends around her she feels angry and alone.
When she and Dad go through Mum's things she finds a jumper, a
favourite and puts it on. She wears it for a long time, and when Dad
washes it, he tells her that grief is like that jumper, she will
grow into it, the jumper will get smaller.
And it does, the girl eventually packing the jumper into the drawer.
She knows it is there, but no longer needs to wear it everyday.
In wonderfully evocative illustrations, the story of acceptance
unfolds. The book was written with the support of the Let's Talk about Loss,
and the Cruse Bereavement
Care Centre in Bristol and more information can be found at
these sites.
Fran Knight