Mrs White and the Red Desert by Josie Wowolla Boyle

Ill. by Maggie Prewett. Magabala Books, 2017. ISBN 9781925360578
(Age: 3-7) Highly recommended. Themes: Aboriginal life, Culture and
identity, Australia - Social life and customs. Magabala Books
continues to publish an excellent range of indigenous stories,
perfectly suited 'to providing an opportunity for all young
Australians to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures'.
ACARA. Mrs White and the Red Desert is an engaging and
colourful story reminiscing about the author's childhood. They lived
in the red, sandy desert 'in a corrugated iron house that was wavy
and buckled and bent just like our grandmothers hair.' The children
played in mud and drew in the rich red sand. She remembers
higgledy-piggledy houses and gardens, the hot winds blowing through
the nail holes and wooden shutters.
This is a gorgeous sensory story, the changing weather having an
effect on her family, the rain's soft pitter-patter on the tin roof
and cold night winds racing through their house. Josie Wowolla
Boyle's imagination turns to humour when the early morning crows
clatter across the rood dressed for shopping.
Mrs White their teacher expresses concern when the children's
homework is handed up, each page is grubby and covered in red dust.
Her visit to the children's desert house proves enlightening, the
house is cleaned, the table set and their homework cleaned with
slices of bread, however only grandmother is watching the skies. Mrs
White in her pristine clothes and hat is caught in the wild
sandstorm and everything inside and outside the house is covered in
red dust, even their teacher.
Josie Wowolla Boyle's beautiful evocative story includes gorgeous
imagery and rich language and Maggie Prewett's vibrant watercolour
illustrations perfectly build the sense of place and drama. Earthy
tones with bold sweeps of red and white add depth to this childhood
memory. Mrs White and the Red Desert is a wonderful book to
share with a young audience, my Reception History classes delighted
in the alliterative text and vibrant images of the crows on the roof
decked out in hats and high heels. A perfect picture book to inspire
art lessons, to encourage children to write stories of their own
childhood and to explore the concepts of aboriginal heritage and
connection to country.
Rhyllis Bignell