Morris Mole by Dan Yaccarino

Harper, 2017. ISBN 9780062411075
Morris Mole is the youngest of the eight mole brothers, and because
he is a little different - they go to work in their hard hats with
their shovels while he looks like the town dandy; they eat at a
communal bench while Morris prefers fine dining; and they share a
bed while he has his own - they tend to ignore him.
And so it is when the biggest brother announces that they have run
out of food. Even though Morris says he has an idea, he is ignored
and the brothers start to dig even deeper than before. Morris's idea
was to dig UPWARDS - and so he does. Even though it frightened him
he found his courage built on his belief that even though he was
small, nevertheless he could still do big things. And what a
wonderful world he discovered when he broke through the surface.
Full of treasures and treats until . . .
Young children will enjoy hearing this story where smart thinking
overcomes physical size but be prepared to answer their questions
about why the wolf left Morris alone. They might even be able to
predict answers - perhaps wolves don't have moles in their dietary
plan. The bold computer-generated illustrations are interesting,
contrasting the underground and above-ground worlds well and the
message of small things being able to achieve big things will
empower them.
Barbara Braxton