Monsters by Anna Fienberg

Ill. by Kim Gamble and Stephen Axelsen. Allen and Unwin, 2018. ISBN
(Age: 5+) Highly recommended. Themes: Monsters, Fear, Confidence,
Friendship. This beautifully presented picture book will have
readers enthralled at the everyday things: plants, furniture,
curtains, even a clothesline, that harbour a monster or two. They
are peeping out from every corner of each page, scaring poor Tildy
witless. She sees them when she goes to sleep, when she wakes, when
she walks down the garden path.
They make her feel scared, and her parents try to comfort her
without success.
At school a new boy called Hendrik sits next to her and draws
monsters instead of listening in class. Tildy is eager, he is
unafraid of the monsters, telling her he kills them with his sword.
Later he asks her to come and play and stay overnight in his tent in
the backyard. Tildy is pleased to go but when night comes around she
becomes fearful and wants to go home. When she tells him that she
wants to go, he is upset saying that he thought they were friends.
She tells him why she does not wish to stay. Hendrik knows just what
to do, and he draws her monster, helping her defuse her fear.
This lovely book about confronting your fears and sharing them with
others, will be a treat to read out loud in class, encouraging
children to look closely at the wonderfully descriptive
Kim Gamble, who has illustrated many of Fienberg's books, died
during the development of this book and the finishing was taken on
by Stephen Axelsen, illustrator and friend. The finished product is
stunning, with monsters peering out from every corner of the page.
Fans will relish the touches of Tashi in this book dedicated to the
memory of one of Australia's finest illustrators, Kim Gamble.
Fran Knight