Monster Max's shark spaghetti by Claire Freedman

Ill. by Sue Hendra. Bloomsbury, 2015. ISBN 9781408851555
(Age: 5+) Warmly recommended, Monsters, Holidays, Poetry.
Another in the series including Dragon jelly and Spider sandwiches,
this will tickle to he funny bones of young children obsessed with
monsters and grisly words describing their habits, particularly
about food and eating.
Max and his friends decide to go on a holiday, travelling with
Queasy Air, of course. On board they are served moth mash and
tapeworm sausages, while at the hotel festooned with spiders, they
are served caterpillar croissants. Each four line rhyming stanza
will entreat the young to say yuck and erk and other words
describing the gross food served up. But it is not only the food
that deserves the response. Max dons sunscreen so smelly that bugs
come from miles away, and when they get on the Loop the Loop, now
called Gloop the Loop, the oddest things happen with gloop engulfing
them all. On their final night they are served shark spaghetti, and
the animal bites Max on the bottom leaving his tooth embedded.
The laugh out loud words are accompanied by bright breezy
illustrations sure to please the younger audience and their passion
for slime and slugs, and deliciously sounding words describing the
not so pleasant aspects of food.
Fran Knight