Monsieur Chat by Jedda Robaard

Five Mile Press, 2017. ISBN 9781760405007
(Age: 4+) Recommended. Loneliness, Cats, Friendship. When Monsieur
Chat comes into their lives, the long days for Pierre and Josephine
become less lonely. The cat joins Josephine for breakfast, then goes
upstairs to Pierre's flat for dinner. Each of the neighbours is
happy with the cat in their lives, little realising that Monsieur
Chat visits each of them in turn. But one day he does not appear.
Josephine and Pierre search the apartment house where they live.
They go around the building, up and down the stairs, out into the
cold and wet night, but the cat is nowhere to be found. Without
warning they find him together and so the two are lonely no longer
and have all their meals together with Monsieur Chat with them for
A simple story nicely told will have readers enrapt as they follow
the cat's exploits in bringing the two together. As they search the
cat can be seen on the pages by the audience, who will shriek with
laughter at knowing something the other two do not. The cute water
colour illustrations give a good impression of an apartment building
in Paris, and children will learn a little of city life in the
The lift the flaps publication will intrigue readers longing to lift
the flap on each page to see what is hidden beneath.
Fran Knight