Molly's Memory Jar by Norma Spaulding

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Ill. By Jacqui Grantford. New Frontier, 2010. ISBN 9780921042355.
(Ages 4-8) Recommended. Molly's best friend, Lucy, a golden retriever, has died and she is very sad and lonely. Her father suggests that they make a memory jar for Lucy and asks her to remember a good thing about Lucy. Each time she remembers something, they put a coloured ball in a jar to make a memory. When it is full her father tells her it is 'a magic way of keeping special friends' and to hold it up to the light, to see all the beautiful colours and hold the memories close to her.
Readers will identify with the emotions of grief and loneliness. Many children may have lost a pet and know what it is like to be grieving for their companion. This book will be a great help for children who are feeling sad about the loss of a friend.
Jacqui Grantford's illustrations complement the story beautifully. In the beginning of the story when Molly is very sad, the drawings are in black and white. As she puts a memory ball into the jar, a colour is added until at the end the page is brimming with vibrant colours.
This is a moving story about the love that a little girl has for her dog. The memory jar is a very special way of remembering someone close and a wonderful idea for helping a child to cope with grief.
Pat Pledger