Molly and Pim and the millions of stars by Martine Murray

Text Publishing, 2015. ISBN 9781925240085
(Age: 9+) Highly recommended. Family, Environment, Friendship,
Herbs. Molly rarely talks about her mother at school with her best
friend Ellen, because she is so different from the other mothers.
Their house is like a gypsy caravan, and mama collects wild herbs
from the wood soon after dawn, mixing them for teas and infusions,
even relying on them for making an acorn grow into a tree in double
quick time. But an unexpected and magical outcome has Molly
perplexed about what to do. She feels she cannot tell her best
friend as she will not understand, but relies instead on Pim, the
boy in her class who is different from all the others. He offers
help without hesitation and together they work to get mama back
home. Time is of the essence however as the ugly couple next door
wants to chop the tree down, and when Molly finally goes to see
Ellen finds that she has been ill. Another complication arises.
This is a charming story of difference, couched in a quietly
fantastical story which will readily garner fans. Gentle home spun
philosophy can be found on every page as mama's practical no
nonsense attitude to life revolves around the natural things to be
found not the clutter that Molly initially craves to ensure that she
fits in.
While striving to get mama back she finds a renewed interest in and
respect for the things her mother loves, and learns the value of her
own unusual life. This is a book to be savoured.
At the end of the book is a section called Molly's notes, in which
the plants and animals used as chapter illustrations are outlined.
Information is given about each, for example, the page about
rosemary tells us that put under your pillow at night, it will
prevent nightmares. The sparkly front cover will attract the readers
to the book and the story inside will ensure they stay reading.
It would make a stunning class read a loud, full of digressions to
be discussed and thought over.
Fran Knight