Miss Austen investigates by Jessica Bull

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Miss Austen investigates is a cosy mystery set in the world of Jane Austen and starring her as a detective. She is happily anticipating a proposal from Tom Lefroy at a ball when a shocking discovery is made. A young woman has been found murdered; her body left in a linen cupboard. When her brother Georgie is found with the woman’s necklace, he is arrested and faces the hangman’s noose. Jane is determined to find the culprit, as she knows that her brother is too gentle to commit an act of violence.

The strength of the novel lies in the historical background. Jessica Bull deftly adds in accurate details about the countryside, the way people lived, the role of women, marriage, and the Austen family, and the reader becomes immersed in Jane Austen’s world. A quick perusal shows that the author is knowledgeable about Jane Austen and fans of Austen and mysteries are likely to enjoy seeing Jane as a sleuth. Jane is dogged in her pursuit of the truth, following one clue after another, and having no qualms about accusing different members of the gentry. There are many red herrings and the reader learns much about society of the late 18th century as Jane goes to inns, farms, manor houses and pawnbrokers in her search for the truth.

Jane is intrepid and impetuous, often racing headlong into thinking she has worked out the identity of the murderer, and then having to back down. Her romance with Tom Lefroy is beautifully handled, the author cleverly showing how difficult it was in those times to marry for love, when both parties are impoverished and rely on rich relatives for patronage.

Miss Austen will return in another story The foreign princess, and the first chapter of this can be found at the back of the book. This is certainly an enjoyable book for fans of historical mysteries, and those wanting to know more about Jane Austen’s world.

Themes: Mystery, Jane Austen, Murder, Hampshire (England).

Pat Pledger