Mirror Sight by Kristen Britain

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Green Rider Book 5. Orion Publishing Group, 2014. ISBN: 9780575099685
(Ages: 13+) After Karigan G'ladheon, Green Rider and messenger for King Zachery, shatters a powerful evil looking mask, she wakes to find that she is not in the time period she is supposed to be. Trapped in a sarcophagus she is finally freed by circus folk whom she seems are not nice people at all. After escaping from their clutches she then finds herself in a bleak future where she is being hidden by an archaeologist, Professor Josston, whom has his servant Mirriam and Lorine tend to her injuries. But can Karigan trust these new people? Her Green Rider skills have no power here in this new world and everything seems strange to her. After following her host into an underground tunnel Karigan finds familiarity in an abandoned town and she finally finds answers to the questions that have been plaguing her. Do her people from her own time have a message to tell her and how can they be sending her messages into the future? With the help of Cade and the horse handler Luke, she must find a way back to her own time and confront the evil emperor.
Even though I have not read the previous books in this series I found it enjoyable as a stand-alone book. It is written well with interesting twists and turns and the reader would be able to follow which time frame they are reading about through the characters each chapter is describing. This fantasy book would be enjoyed by readers whom have liked anything written by Jaqueline Carey, Sarah Maas and Elizabeth Moon.
Jody Holmes