Minton Goes! by Anna Fienberg

Ill. by Kim Gamble. Allen & Unwin, 2015. ISBN 9781760111960
(Age: 4-7 years) Recommended. The collaboration between Anna
Fienberg and Kim Gamble has produced the popular Tashi
series. The Minton picture books have also been popular as
individual titles and stand the test of time in this collection of
seven of the Minton adventures with the addition of The Hottest
Boy Who Ever Lived originally published in 1995.
Hector lives beside a volcano on the edge of the world with his pet
salamander, Minton. Hector is lonely and craves human companionship,
a cuddle or a hug even from a boa constrictor, but he is just too
hot to handle. When a storm comes, Hector and his pet are washed out
to sea clinging to a tree. Their adventure really begins as they are
rescued by Gilda and taken back to her frozen Viking home. Hector
finds acceptance and love whilst Minton returns home.
The rest of the stories follow the adventurous Minton and his new
friend, the cautious Turtle as they explore the world in vehicles
Minton makes by recycling household containers and other items.
First he makes a boat and while the friends intend to sail around
the bay they are blown away and find a new friend Bouncer the
acrobat. She misses the circus where she bounced too high and landed
on a far away island but can't bounce back. Minton decides to help
and makes a plane in which they manage to find their way back to the
circus. Minton and Turtle explore the city in the car Minton
constructs and they find employment on a building site when Minton
makes a dump truck. Eventually the sea and their island home calls
and Minton makes a submarine and the return journey begins. They
visit Hector who provides the hot air to power the balloon Minton
makes for the final leg of the journey.
After each episode there are simple but well illustrated
instructions on how to make Minton's vehicles, including a complete
list of items needed. According to Fienberg these were all developed
and constructed at her kitchen table, in collaboration with Gamble,
and enthusiastically tested by her young son. Hopefully this will
inspire parents to help their offspring to also have a go at making
these vehicles.
The full colour illustrations remind us that each chapter was a
standalone picture book, bringing the setting and characters to
life. The cautious and sad looking turtle is a great foil for the
ever enthusiastic Minton, reminding him to take safety measures and
seeing the danger in every new form of transport, but remaining the
faithful friend.
Sue Keane