Miaka by Anne-Louise Channon

Windy Hollow Books, 2014. ISBN 9781922081315.
(Age: 5-10) Highly recommended. When Anya's happy life with her
loving parents is turned upside down, her only chance of survival is
to go and live in the village with the bakers. Her only comfort and
consolation is magnificent Maika.
Maika is no ordinary bird and Anya loves her pet dearly.
However, she must take drastic steps, in the bitter cold of winter,
to save Maika from a fate even worse than starvation. Anya must make
a heart-wrenching decision for her pet.
Can poor, sad Anya save her beautiful bird?
Stunningly illustrated by Beatriz Martin Vidal, I highly recommend
this book to children aged 5 -10.
Joan Smith