Messenger of Fear by Michael Grant

Electric Monkey, 2014. ISBN 9781405276221.
(Ages:13+) Highly Recommended. Fantasy, Paranormal, Thriller. Mara
awakes in a field of dead grass and is surrounded by yellow mist.
She has no recollection or memory of where she is or if she is even
alive. A church temple is nearby and she is drawn to it. Inside
awaits the corpse of teenager, Samantha Early. Mara is then
introduced to a young, pale man wearing a black coat. He explains
that Samantha had in fact taken her own life. He is the Messenger Of
Fear. The Messenger then shows Mara the events leading up to the
untimely death of the recently departed Samantha and the causes of
it. His goal is to serve justice by punishing those who have been
bad and does this by offering to play a game; if you win you shall
go unpunished if you lose you will be punished by suffering your
worst fear imaginable. Mara is informed that she is in fact the new
apprentice of the messenger; she must learn his methods by
witnessing three cases of punishments.
Michael Grant's latest book is a fantastically crafted tale, where
the reader is left feeling as though they can share the fears of the
protagonist, Mara; it is as if it is your own memory slowly being
recollected. Grant utilises all five senses and makes for a
wonderful experience by starting the story leaving the reader
wondering who Mara is and where she is. The mysteriousness of the
Messenger himself will keep the reader guessing throughout the
entire narrative and each piece of information revealed throughout
the text seems like a triumphant victory of shock and awe.
This story tackles some serious social issues that affect
individuals every day, including cyber bullying, homophobia, sexual
harassment and teen suicide. Grant has successfully demonstrated the
seriousness and severity of these issues without constantly
preaching the dangers to the point of annoyance. Adjectives are used
to create crystal clear images, which are bittersweet due to the
horrors that Mara and the Messenger spectate. The way the Messenger
reveals information on minor characters influences the reader's
opinions and can make them loath an individual entirely but then
they sympathise and come to realise the individuals are in fact
Overall, Messenger of Fear is a sensational story and is
almost impossible to put down. From firsthand experience I can tell
you that many times I found myself reading this till the crack of
Corey Joyce (Student)