Mermaid Holidays: Magic Pearl by Delphine Davis and Adele K. Thomas

Puffin, 2019. ISBN: 9780143796497.
(Ages 6-8) Theme: Fantasy. Mermaid Holidays continues in the latest
addition to the new series by Delphine Davis. This time, the story
is told from Willow Waves' perspective, as she hosts a sleep-over
for her friends, where they make necklaces.
This is the second book in the series. It is aimed at the same
audience as the first book, for both new and returning readers, as
we get to see Turtleton and the adventures through Willow's
perspective. It is a story of friendship and working together, yet,
at the same time, learning and growing as an individual to find a
solution to the problem that Willow advertently causes.
It is enjoyable to see how the author has created the characters and
stories to be fun, yet teaching young readers about responsibility
in a fun, subtle way.
Ideal for students keen to dive into chapter books, it is a bit
wordier than Billie B Brown or an Ella and Olivia,
with pages swimming with fun illustrations to break up the text. The
characters in the story are full of expression.
Donna Isgar