Meet . . . Sidney Nolan by Yvonne Mes

Ill. by Sandra Eterovic. Meet . . series. Random House
Australia, 2015. ISBN 9780857985897
I recently evaluated the 759 section of an established primary
school library collection, the section that could be best described
as 'painters and their paintings'. While there was a solid
representation of those European artists that could be expected,
there was nothing relating to our Australian painters, particularly
those of the 20th century. So I was delighted to see that the latest
in the Meet. series, that collection of biographies about iconic
Australians for primary students, addressed the life and times of
Sir Sidney Nolan. Its focus is the story behind the distinctive Ned
Kelly paintings (available via Scootle MO12591).
As a young boy growing up in Victoria, Nolan loved to listen to the
stories about Ned Kelly told to him by his grandfather who was a
police officer at the time. It inspired his imagination in many ways
and so when circumstances of World War II had him on the run rather
like the Kelly gang, an idea was sparked and a signature series of
images was created. And from that grew a new and different way to
show this country's amazing landscape making his style and works
instantly recognisable, both in Australia and beyond. There is now a
permanent display of his works at the Canberra Museum and Gallery
and together with the tools available on that site, this new
addition to this series is perfect for enabling younger students to
begin to learn about the legacy of this great Australian.
Barbara Braxton