Meet me at the intersection: Short stories edited by Rebecca Lim and Ambelin Kwaymullina

Fremantle Press, 2018. ISBN 9781925591705
(Age: 14+) Recommended. Themes: LGBTIQA+. Disabilities. Indigenous
Australians. Cultures. Short stories. Meet me at the intersection
is an collection of short stories by authors who write from the
heart about issues that have personal meaning to them. These authors
include those with a disability, are LGBTIQA+ or are Indigenous and
are passionate about sharing their stories written from their point
of view.
At the beginning of each story is a blurb about the author and the
inspiration for their story, which is fantastic as it gives the
reader an insight to how and why the author came to write this
particular piece.
My favourite of the short stories was 'Harry Potter and the
Disappearing Pages' by Olivia Muscat because of the Harry Potter
connection. The author says right from the beginning that the
character in the story is her and this connection seemed to
personalise it for me.
Many of the stories are raw and brutally honest. There is no filter
to what is written and they say exactly what they think. Sometimes
this can be confronting but mostly you appreciate the honesty and
frankness of the story. With some of the stories, I wondered what
the point was but in hindsight, the point is really a snippet of a
story that is waiting to be told.
The stories are quite diverse and it is refreshing to change pace at
the beginning of each new story. The stories are not long and at
times, they leave you wishing for more. Some are revelations and
others make you think about topics not normally spoken about.
I would recommend this book to 14+ readers whose interest is in
diversity amongst our population.
Gerri Mills