Max Booth future sleuth: Film flip

Illus. by Dave Atze. Max Booth future sleuth series. Big
Sky, 2019. ISBN: 9781922265104.
Recommended for readers aged 7-11. Themes: Future, Photographic
history. Max and his robo-dog, Oscar, find a 400 year-old film
canister and try to discover its contents. Unfortunately their
understanding of the photographic process is limited . . . the old
Internet ceased to function in 2037 and it is now 2424!
Unfortunately their exploration of this 'old historical item' causes
others to be interested too, and they encounter some risky moments
as they race to keep the film safe. This is a fun exploration of a
piece of 'lost' history that children from the digital era will also
be baffled by.
Cameron Macintosh has written a short, but appealing story set far
into the future with a quirky mix of travel, technology, robotics and
history as backdrops to the storyline. It is a fun and comedic
adventure with some variations in pace and characterisation.
Illustrated with engaging cartoons, this is a book for readers aged
7-11, and they will enjoy learning about other 'old' items
discovered by Max Booth in the other books in the series.
Carolyn Hull