Max Booth future sleuth: Chip Blip by Cameron Macintosh

Illus. by Dave Atze. Big Sky Publishing, 2020. ISBN: 9781922265685.
(Ages 8-10). Highly recommended. Max Booth is an 11-year-old
detective living in the 25th century with his trusty robot dog,
Oscar. Together they identify and explore objects from the ancient
past - the 20th and 21st centuries. Jessie is a friend to Max and
works at the Bluggsville City Museum. She allows Max and Oscar to
live in the storage area of the Museum in return for helping her to
investigate some strange objects that arrive at the Museum. In this
story Jesse gives Max what looks like a grain of rice with metal on
it which they decide must be a microchip from at least 400 years
ago. The Splinternet (25th century replacement for the Internet,
which was obliterated in 2037, and is much faster!) gives them
nothing to go on. Max tries to use one of the old computers that are
on a junk pile in the storeroom and has some luck, finding a barcode
that may reveal more about the chip. He needs the help of the people
at the Records office in Bluggsville to find out more about the chip
but while there he encounters some trouble and nearly loses Oscar to
the Bluggsville zoo. As things heat up for Max and Oscar, they
realize they are onto a very valuable piece of historic memorabilia
that many other people have been looking for and will do anything to
This is a very entertaining and fast-paced story that will keep
readers guessing until the end. It is the fifth book in this high
interest, low reading level series. At just under 120 pages with
quite large type, it is the perfect series to appeal to those
children who don't read many books. It is also a good short read for
any child with an interest in technology and the future. Themes:
Detectives, Future, Dogs, Robots.
Gabrielle Anderson