Mars by Shauna Edson and Giles Sparrow

Illus. by Mark Ruffle. Dorling Kindersley, 2020. ISBN:
9780241409589. 80pp.
(Age: 9+) Recommended for Science-interested readers. Mars is always
interesting. As our closet planetary neighbour, it is worth knowing
a little more. This book covers all the important detail about the
planet and human exploration of this part of our Solar System. With
a section about what we now know as the result of relatively recent
visits to Mars, and also detail about what visiting Mars might be
like in the future, this is a comprehensive look at the Red Planet.
Because this is a Dorling Kindersley book, it can be relied on for
presenting the information in language for young readers that is
easily comprehensible. The illustrations include photographs and
modern graphic representations in clear formatting that is visually
appealing. STEM and astronomy interested young readers will enjoy
this journey beyond our own planet. Themes: Mars; Space travel;
Carolyn Hull