Marngrook : A long ago story of Aussie Rules Football by Titta Secombe and Grace Fielding

Magabala Books, 2012. ISBN 9781921248443.
(Ages: 6+). Warmly recommended. Aboriginal stories. Australian Rules
Football. I was initially surprised to receive another book
detailing the Aboriginal origins of Australian Rules Football but
upon reading this one found that the two books I have recently read
fit well together.
Marngrook, subtitled, A long ago story of Aussie Rules
Football, outlines the story of Wawi, who walking in the bush
around the Grampians in Western Victoria, comes across a possum.
Killing it with his boomerang, he skins it and uses the meat for a
meal for his family. After eating, he carefully uses a sinew from a
kangaroo tail, sewing up the possum skin into a roundish ball,
stuffing it with emu feathers. When the last hole is sewn up, the
shape resembles an emu egg, and the children run off playing with
it, practicing their kicking and having fun despite their mother's
call to collect wood.
This is a fascinating story of how the football came to be, and
blends well with the picture book, Kick it to me by Neridah
McMullin recently published by One Day Hill. This story tells the
tale of Tom Wills, who growing up in Western Victoria played the
game of marn-grook with his Aboriginal friends, later being able to
suggest it as a new Australian sport.
The two stories sit well together, one from an Aboriginal
perspective, and one from a European perspective, but both telling
the tale of how Aussie Rules came to be, a subject dear to the
hearts of many Australians, regardless of their origin.
In this book, Marngrook, the tale also shows Aboriginal
family life, the skills of the hunter, the environment in which they
live and their use of it as a place for food, clothing, weapons and
playthings. Tucked within the story children reading it will also
have a sense of the close knit community of Aboriginal people and
their strong association with the land around them.
The naive painting style suits the book as it includes dots and
traditional Aboriginal painting styles, not only telling the story
through the illustrations, but also detailing the life and times of
the people in the area.
Author, Titta Secpmbe is a descendant of the people who lived around
the Grampians in Western Victoria, the Gunditj-marra-Jard-wa, and
was brought up hearing this story, while illustrator, Grace Fielding
grew up at the Wandering Mission near Perth and has won awards for
her children's book illustrations.
Fran Knight