Marked by Denis Martin

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Walker Books, 2012. ISBN 978 1 9219 7754 1.
Cully is a newcomer to a small town in New Zealand. There he is attracted to and intrigued by a girl whom he would like to know better. He first sees her whilst he is waiting for the ferry and she has an argument with a man. Unsure whether to interfere he is saved from action by the arrival of the ferry. When he starts at his new school he sees the girl again but she is not inclined to be friendly. Eventually through a friend he gets to know Kat although she is still distant. What unfolds from there is an exciting thriller as Cully begins to learn more about Kat and become involved in the mystery that surrounds her.
There is a level of violence in the story that is in sharp contrast to the peaceful New Zealand countryside in which it is set. Tension increases as Cully attempts to find out more and he discovers that Kat is being watched by a group of ruthless and brutal people.
The story moves along and the body count rises as the author fills in more details and we learn the secrets surrounding Kat and her so called mother.
I think this fast paced exciting story will appeal to middle-upper secondary students who will find the action and hint of romance make a good combination with a satisfactory ending.
David Rayner