Marge and the great train rescue by Isla Fisher

Piccadilly Press, 2017. ISBN 9781848125940
(Age: 5+) Highly recommended. Marge and the great train rescue
includes three short stories about Jemima and Jake and their rather
unusual babysitter, Marge. Marge is not your usual babysitter.
Besides being very short, Marge has bright rainbow hair and is a
duchess. She is always telling Jemima and Jake about her royal
In 'Marge and the missing tooth', Jake has a loose tooth. Marge is
willing to try anything to get the tooth out. Unfortunately, once
the tooth is out, Jake forgets where he put it. Will they find the
tooth in time for the tooth fairy?
In 'Marge and the great train rescue', Marge, Jemima and Jake are
taking the train to the zoo. While dressed in disguises, Marge and
the children solve the problem that caused the train to stop. Who
knew you could talk to cows?
In 'Marge and the zany zoo day', Marge and the children explore the
zoo. Thanks to one of Marge's stories, Jake is determined to set his
favourite orangutan free. Can Jemima distract him?
The stories in Marge and the great train rescue are quick
and easy to read. The zaniness of Marge's stories will have readers
wondering what is an exaggeration and what is true. The vocabulary
is easy to read and this collection of stories will make a great
first novel for girls aged 7+. It would also be a great before
bedtime read, whether read out loud or silently. Parents could even
create their own versions for their children. This is highly
recommended for readers aged 5+.
Kylie Kempster