Many coloured realm by Anne Hamilton

Wombat Books, ISBN 978 1921633065.
This fantasy has a very complicated plot and needs close scrutiny. The
reference to numbers is fascinating for they have a symmetry all of
their own and when teaching mathematics joy comes when a student picks
the connection. In this book, other than the paragraph about the
author, the mathematical illusion is difficult to pick, but the concept
of the way numbers form patterns is beautiful and magical. The story
revolves around Robbie, Chris and the missing Stephen. The young people
enter other worlds through the chimney and here begins the roller
coaster ride. There are many wonderful modern day comparisons, for
example, when the swans bicker and honk their disagreement and want a
stop work meeting to discuss the situation. All this amidst a storm
about to destroy the boat they are pulling! It's a very humorous
situation and often replicated in real life! Younger readers may
struggle with the rapidly changing scenes. The delightful play on
words reminds the reader of Philip Pullman's 'The Scarecrow and his
Servant'. Time change has a huge effect on the plot. This is a
book for students who love other worlds, extravagant and exaggerated
characters, humour and the many ways of interpreting our
language. It's quite a sophisticated novel but readers of
adolescent years may enjoy a challenge after Harry Potter and this
could be an intriguing follow on. It would be a wonderful
classroom read for the discussion that would ensue would entail
freedom, love, particularly self belief for Robbie but overall, a
delightful foray into another world with challenges just like ours! A
book for students and teachers.
Well recommended for good Upper Primary and Early Secondary students
and their teachers
Sue Nosworthy