Maisy goes on a sleepover by Lucy Cousins

Walker, 2012. ISBN 9781406337457.
(Age: 3-5) Another book in the delightful Maisy series, this
time Maisy goes and stays overnight with her friend Tallulah. There
she meets Tallulah's new friend Ella and they have lots of fun
together, playing music, dancing and singing and eating a delicious
supper. Finally after going to the bathroom one by one they snuggle
down and talk and laugh until they finally go to sleep.
Cousins has written another story that will prepare children for
what is often a very eventful occurrence in their lives. Staying
away from home can be quite an experience, but Cousins shows how
much fun can be had on a sleepover. The way she describes Maisy
packing and what happens on the sleepover could also give lots of
hints about how to prepare for one or even give one.
A deft hand with giving subtle messages, Cousins' introduction of a
new friend for Tallulah and Maisy's acceptance of her without
feeling jealous could provide young children with a model for making
new friends. Maisy is happy knowing that she is still Tallulah's
friend and can see all the advantages that Ella can bring to the
As always, the bright colours, amusing figures outlined in black and
clothes with interesting patterns are memorable and will delight
children who already love this series.
Pat Pledger