Mahtab's Story by Libby Gleeson

Allen and Unwin, 2008. ISBN978 174175
334 9
(Ages 11+) In the middle of the night, Mahtab's parents wake her with
her clothes ready at the end of her bed. She must dress quickly and
quietly if they are to escape from their Taliban controlled city. So
begins a hectic and heart stopping journey across the mountains into
Pakistan where they wait for 8 months for news of their father who had
gone ahead. Taking a plane to Malaysia and then Indonesia they then
board a boat heading for Darwin. The journey is perilous and they
hesitate to think of what may lie ahead.
In its bare bones, the story is one of many such stories: escaping a
hated ruling junta, putting their lives into the hands of others,
separation, hunger and even death, that make up the history of
Australia. But this story is very recent, these people, vilified by a
former government, now make up a growing part of our population and
their stories, part of our consciousness and history, must be told.
Gleeson interviewed a number of girls whose experiences mirror that of
Mahtab, to get the story right, and she has succeeded brilliantly. The
emotions evoked in this book will stay with the reader, encouraging
sympathy, acceptance and tolerance.
Along with Rosanne Hawke's vivid story, Soraya the Storyteller, and
Morris Gelitzman's Boy Overboard, and Deborah Ellis' wonderful series
about Parvana and her friends, these novels give our students an
opening into another world, far apart from their own, and reflect the
stories of some of our students' lives, enabling us to develop
understanding and empathy.
Fran Knight