Mademoiselle Lisa by Delphine Perret

Black dog books, 2010. ISBN 978 1742031620.
What if the Mona Lisa was sick of hanging around the gallery? What if
she decided to do something else? Well, in Mademoiselle Lisa, you get
to see just what the most famous painting in the world would get up to
if given the chance!
Mademoiselle Lisa is a picture book, aimed at older students (middle
primary and up) but will be enjoyed by many ages. Teachers could use it
as an introduction to studying Leonardo da Vinci in Art or as a model
to help children create their own picture book with them as the star.
The book would look good on a coffee table and even if you have no
interest in Art, you will enjoy the idea of being someone else, even if
it is for just a day (or two).
Kylie Kempster