Macca and Al, super pals by Matt Cosgrove

Scholastic Australia, 2020. ISBN: 9781760970246.
(Age: 3+) Recommended. Macca and Al, super pals is the
latest Macca the Alpaca story in the series written for
younger children. Author Matt Cosgrove has cleverly combined rhyme
with bright and colourful illustrations to provide another amusing
and entertaining read. Macca and best friend Al play super heroes
all day and they have all the toys super heroes need. Macca though
dreams of becoming a real super hero and he and Al set about
creating costumes with a mask, cape and underwear. They give
themselves cool names, Mighty Mac and Sensation-Al, and try hard to
get super powers. They help their friends Slow Jo, Rhonda the
anaconda, the yaks and Harmer the Llama out of some tricky
situations in their super hero costumes. However they soon realise
that all the friends worked as a team and are all super heroes every
Macca and Al, super pals will be another enjoyable read aloud
for young children especially those who can relate to being super
Themes: Alpacas, Super heroes, Dressing-up, Playing,
Friendship, Helping.
Kathryn Beilby