Lyla: Through my eyes by Fleur Beale

Through My Eyes: Natural Disaster Zones series. Allen and
Unwin, 2018. ISBN 9781760113780
(Age: 11+) Highly recommended. Themes: Earthquakes, New Zealand,
Disasters, Emergency services. 2011 saw a major earthquake in the
south island of New Zealand, shattering the lives of the inhabitants
of Christchurch, killing 185 people from all over the world and
leaving an immeasurable damage bill.
Against this, Fleur Beale has written a highly involving tale of one
family and its reaction to this event, bringing in their friends,
relatives and neighbours to give a reality that is unsurpassed. I
shuddered with them at each aftershock, and marveled as children
voted on the magnitude of the shock, or people went to their
emergency kits because there was no water in the pipes. It's the
little things that many people do not think about when an earthquake
occurs, that Beale has drawn these seamlessly into the drama of this
group's survival. When Lyla reaches home, walking from the city, she
surveys the neighbourhood, helping some, leaving notes for others to
come to her house. She gathers mattresses for beds, raids the
freezer for food to cook on the bbq and retrieves codeine for Matt
who is severely bruised.
All the while she fields questions from people who ring on the
landline, looks after the two young children from next door, while
their mother goes into the CBD to help, and waits for her parents,
one a policeman, one a nurse, to come home.
She is a stalwart of emergency procedure and organisation, recalling
effortlessly the drills they have all undertaken at school, putting
into practice things learnt from the most recent earthquake, a few
months before. As bits of Christchurch still shudder and fall around
them, power is restored in some areas, food is distributed and Lyla
takes a major risk to retrieve a friend's laptop.
The course of the few days sees Lyla reconsider her arrogant
neighbour Matt, a rugby fanatic in year eleven, who despite his
swollen ankle and shoulder, helps her where he can, offering support
and encouragement.
Her school is red stickered, and many of her friends' families have
decided to move away, so Lyla often feels alone until lessons are
resumed at another school, being bussed there in the afternoons,
with her classes piggybacking at the other school.
But months after the earthquake, Lyla falters and it is up to others
to come to her aid, and we see through Beale's story just how
emotional aftershocks can take hold.
notes are available.
Fran Knight