Love is like a tree by Shona Innes

Ill. Irisz Agocs. Big Hug Books series. Five Mile Press,
2015. ISBN 9781760066321
(Ages: 3+) Highly recommended. Shona Innes' wealth of experience
working as a Clinical Psychologist caring for children and their
families for over twenty-five years, underpins her heart-felt
writing in The Big Hug series. In her engaging new book Love is like
a Tree, she describes love as a special and growing thing, like a
unique magical tree that provides a comfortable, caring and safe
nest in its branches. Different expressions of love - love for
friends, for sports teams, for family and for grownups are explained
in easy to understand terms. Love needs to be nurtured and grows
when you show kindness, share and support others.
Hungarian artist Irisz Agocs's soft watercolor paintings, with her
charming forest animals, ducks, owls, hedgehogs, rabbits and bears
and woodland scenes, showcase the many aspects of loving
relationships. The caring creatures, dance, sing and are engaging
will delight the reader. The seasons of love are gently shown as the
tree's heart shaped leaves surround the characters. Emotions are
explained in easy to understand and comforting terms, this is a book
just right for all kinds of families to share. These books provide
opportunities for families to explore and engage with both the
wonderful and difficult times in a family and child's life. Love is
like a Tree is a special book just right for families to share, to
dip into again and again.
Rhyllis Bignell