Lost Riders by Elizabeth Laird

Macmillan, 2008,
(Ages 9+) Highly Recommended. Rashid and Shari's poverty
stricken mother decides to allow her sons to travel from their home in
Pakistan to the Gulf to work as companions to rich children. Both
Rashid and Shari are promised a comfortable life as playmates to a
wealthy family. Of course the promises do not materialise and the boys
find themselves in the heat of the Gulf working as jockeys in an Uzba -
a camel farm.
It is one of Laird's strengths that the story of such an alien
environment should grab the reader's attention and suck them straight
into the harsh world of camel racing. Rashid is the lucky one,
separated from his four year old brother; he learns to live in an Uzba
where, although life is harsh, he is treated far better than Shari.
This is a story of contradictions - the rich Camel racers - sheikhs and
entrepreneurs treat their camels far better than they do the young
jockeys who race them. Starved to ensure they remain small,
electrocuted with cattle prods to spur them on, the boys, some as young
as four or five are forced to ride in races where injury is likely and
death not unknown.
Rashid has an uneasy relationship with his fellow jockeys. He relies on
their friendship, but discovers he has a gift for camel racing which
the rich owners want to manipulate to their advantage, placing Rashid
in a league well above the other boys. However, when his young brother
is seriously injured during a race, Rashid needs his friends' help to
rescue him. Based on real events that were taking place as
recently as 2005 this story is a chilling reminder that child
trafficking and slavery are still a reality in some parts of the world.
This is a powerful story full of action and excitement which also
tackles the complexity of human relationships and the struggle to find
happiness and fulfilment in the most unlikely of situations. Great to
read aloud for both upper primary and lower secondary, there will be
plenty to think about and discuss, and I have a hunch we may see Lost
Riders on this year's Carnegie shortlist.
Claire Larson