Losing Reuben by Leonie Norrington

Ill. by Beth Norling. Mates series. Scholastic, 2013. ISBN
(Age: 7+) Highly recommended. Aboriginal themes. Family.
When Mum and Dad and the kids go fishing at One Mile Creek, Mum
counts the children as they have a large family. Even though Reuben
is number nine, he knows that he is as loved as everyone else. This
time however, Mum has had another baby.
While at One Mile Creek, Dad takes them fishing, showing the
children how to use the net to catch enough for the family for tea.
And this time, Reuben, the youngest is to be the anchor. He is
rather concerned. He has never done this before, and he is aware
that his small undeveloped frame may not be strong enough to hold
the net.
But it all goes well, and after a big feed, they all lie down for an
afternoon nap. Packing up, Mum counts them all in, one to nine but
halfway home, remembers Reuben, number nine and that she now has
ten. So back they go, finding Reuben where they left him, Reuben
taking note of the rules Dad has insisted they follow, to stay calm
and stay where they are. All is well.
In a few words, Leonie outlines this wonderful tale of a family on a
fishing trip. The closeness of the family is obvious all the way
through, their knowledge of the elders being passed on to the
younger, Dad teaching his children all the while some survival
One of the popular Mates series, this will be a wonderful
addition to any library.
Fran Knight