Lollylegs by Pamela Freeman

Ill. by Rhian Nest James. Walker Stories. Walker Books, 2011. ISBN
(Age 6+) Recommended. When Dad brings home a little lamb to be
a raffle prize at the school fete, Laura falls in love. She names
him Lollylegs, looks after him and wants to keep him forever. How
can she bear to give him away? She decides to buy as many raffle
tickets as she can in the hope that she will win him when the raffle
is drawn. What will happen?
The Walker Stories series is an excellent one for beginning
readers and this is a heart-warming addition. Freeman has written a
delightful tale that will appeal to children who want a pet. They
will easily be able to identify with Laura and her love for
Lollylegs and will be appalled at what might happen to the little
lamb if Laura doesn't win him in the raffle. The closeness of the
family is brought to life with both the text and illustrations.
The book is divided into three chapters and is 64 pages long with
enough text for the emerging reader to be able to engage with and
feel confident about reading. It would also be a good read aloud and
could produce a lot of discussion about pets, responsibility and
family life.
Pat Pledger