Lola Dutch, when I grow up by Kenneth and Sarah Jane Wright

Bloomsbury, 2019. ISBN 9781681195544.
(Age: 4-7) Recommended. Themes: Girls. Imagination. Careers.
Animals. Lola Dutch is an energetic, imaginative, tutu wearing young
girl whose life is one big adventure. Her best friend Bear is always
there for her, supporting all her new ideas. Gator, Crane and Pig
willingly assist with Lola's creative schemes. In Lola Dutch,
when I grow up she is a tour de force, a whirlwind focussed on
her future careers, pondering her potential vocations. Marching into
this delightful story, she leads the parade in a cow-girl outfit,
followed by a postie-swan, doctor pig and a gator king.
What will Lola be when she grows up? Lola declares this conundrum to
be an emergency, so all her friends gather in Bear's book-lined den.
Here a special volume catches her eye 'Opera through the ages',
yes, she wants to be an opera singer destined for the stage.
Everyone helps, building the stage, writing the music and designing
an exquisite costume for Lola's first and only performance. Once
she's achieved her first goal, she quickly moves on to the next
career, as an inspirational inventor working through the stages
from research through trial and error to building a wondrous flying
machine. Not satisfied with this achievement, Lola's creativity
blossoms as she plants a beautiful garden with Bear, Gator, Pig and
Crane. Will that be enough for this inspired miss?
Sarah Jane Wright's whimsical gouache and watercolour paintings add
stylishness; they burst boldly and energetically across the pages.
Working collaboratively with her husband Kenneth, they have created
a beautifully descriptive, inspirational story that will raise
wonder and joy in the young reader. Paper dolls are included on the
jacket reminiscent of the times past.
Lola Dutch, when I grow up is a wonderful read aloud providing
opportunities and stepping stones for Science, Technology and Art.
Rhyllis Bignell