Llama impossible by Aleesah Darlison

League of Llamas book 2. Illus. by Simon Greiner. Penguin
Random House, 2020. ISBN: 9781760894184. 144pp.
(Age: 7-12) Recommended. This book takes off and runs away with the
reader straight away. It's a quick read. Grab it and read aloud.
Children (aged 7-12) will love it.
Aleesah Darlison obviously loves to play with words. Words trip and
dance off her page to delight the young wordsmith reader. Random
words and phrases are highlighted in a darker thicker font
throughout for emphasis and just for fun too.
At around the age of ten children begin to love to play with the
nuances of language, with jokes, puns and double meanings. The wacky
llama detectives, clunking around with their hooves on top of trains
and smashing through walls leaving llama shape holes are the stuff
of good old wisecracking, smarty pants fun. LOL, LOL this book is
lots of laughs.
Memories of the dialogue and action of old detective movies come to
mind when reading League of Llamas. The laid back
wisecracking monotone dialogue is at times reminiscent of Get
Smart. The tricky llama detective action includes a wild train
ride, solving a bank robbery and a diamond heist and getting into
plenty of sticky situations along the way. The League of Llamas (top
agents) operate under Mama Llama who just could be somewhat similar
to M in James Bond movies. Darlison makes funny connections all the
way through to delight the reader.
Such a play on words! The author has a field day with onomatopoeia,
turns of phrase, alliteration, lots of action and spirited jabs of
tongue in the cheek repartee between the characters as they pursue
the guilty parties.
This is a quick read - easy to pick up and share to delight as a
read aloud or to entice the reluctant reader to realise that reading
and language can be a hoot. Not everything in the world has to be
serious and children, if we want them to read, must get a good
giggle out of a book now and then.
League of Llamas : Llama Impossible hits the mark!
Wendy Jeffrey