Little paradise by Gabrielle Wang

Penguin, 2010. ISBN 9780143011477.
Recommended for girls aged 13-16. Inspired by the story of the author's
mother, Little Paradise
is set in
Melbourne near the end of World War 2, and then Shanghai in the
post-war years during the defeat of the Kuomintang forces. The main
character, Mirabel, comes from a traditional Chinese business family
and has an oracle bone made for her that predicts a mystifying future.
The oracle provides reassurance and guidance as she becomes involved in
many difficult situations. Clearly talented, she loves drawing and
dress designing, and finds a job in a map drawing office, important war
work. Her father is a Kuomintang supporter, and Mirabel falls in love
with a young officer, Jin Jing, who is liaising with him. When Jin Jing
returns to China, Mirabel is pregnant, and her father furiously
confines her, and the baby when he is born, to the house. Mirabel
eventually decides to travel to Shanghai to find her lover; there she
experiences life in the international sectors, until she finds and
marries Jin Jing who has been working in a remote village. However,
life in China becomes very difficult and they are described attempting
to escape before the city falls to the Communists. The novel covers a
lot of issues, perhaps too many, several being racism directed towards
the Chinese even in China, the strength and weaknesses of traditions,
and the contribution that a young woman can make towards society.
It does capture the poverty and richness of life in China particularly
well, and the dislocation created by war. The feelings of a young girl
falling in love are perhaps over-written in places, and Mirabel does
seem to have a lot of good luck. However, this is an enjoyable and
informative novel.
Jenny Hamilton