Little monster : Ten minutes to bed by Rhiannon Fielding and Chris Chatterton

Ladybird Books, 2018. ISBN: 9780241348918.
(Age: 3-6) Recommended. Little monster : Ten minutes to bed
is a beautiful series by Rhiannon Fielding and Chris Chatterton,
aimed at young children at bedtime. Each book follows a similar
progression where the main characters parent/family member counts
down the minutes to bedtime while the main character flits around
doing lots of fun things before bed. The books are all based on
mythical type characters and are whimsical in nature.
Each book has a map at the beginning (daytime) and end (night-time)
of the book showing 'The land of Nod' which young children can
engage with, finding the home of the books character and also the
homes of the other two in the series (Little Mermaid and Little
This book tells us of the antics of Belch, a cheeky little monster
who does not want to go to bed. She eats jelly, plays with toys and
then is joined by her monster friends for a quick play before she
has had enough and wants to go to bed. I like that this book helps
to make monsters seem funny, cheeky, a little cranky but also not
very scary!
This book would be good for children who may find the concept of
monsters scary, or a bit unnerving.
We loved the illustrations of Belch; she is a cheeky looking monster
with big eyes and rosy cheeks. The other monsters are a rather
amusing, helping to make them more funny than scary!
I give Ten minutes to bed : Little Monster 4/5, suitable for
young children up to age 6. It is one of a 3 book series, all of
which are equally as great!
Lauren Fountain