Little lunch: Triple the trouble by Danny Katz and Mitch Vane

Black Dog Books, 2017. ISBN 9781925381825
(Age: 8+) As seen on ABC TV, Little lunch follows the stories of
Battie, Atticus, Debra-Jo, Tamara, Rory and Melanie in the fifteen
minutes of Little lunch. The novel is split into three hilariously
entertaining stories and includes profiles of the characters and
photos of the actors who play them in the TV show. The best part is,
the books are stand alone in that readers do not need to have seen
the show to be able to follow.
In Triple the trouble, nerdy Debra-Jo is acting weirdly
after seeing a van that says 'Body Bus'; naughty Rory is put in
charge of the class when it was rained out; competitive Tamara
starts her version of the Olympics only including events that she is
sure to win. The bubbly characters are all very different but are
well developed throughout the novel, particularly the distracting,
naughty but extremely likeable Rory. The comic style companion
illustrations add another level of humour to the already fun book.
The by-line 'a lot can happen in fifteen minutes' is definitely true
in this case.
The series is available in either single form, or in an omnibus of
three books each. Students who enjoy the comedy genre, like the
real-life but huge misunderstanding type of scenarios or who simply
like a quick but funny read will really enjoy this book, and would
also be a good one for a Middle Primary class novel, though it isn't
very long.
Clare Thompson