Little Chicken Chickabee by Janeen Brian and Danny Snell

Raising Literacy Australia, 2016. ISBN 9780994385338
Crickle, scratch, crackle, hatch - four little chicks pop from their
eggs of proud Mother Hen. Each one cheeps as expected except for
Number 4 who says, "Chickabee." This startles Mother Hen and the
other chicks who insist that "Cheep" is right and "Chickabee" is
not. But Little Chicken is not deterred and goes off to see the
world. However, she finds that even the other farm animals insist
that chickens say "Cheep" not "Chickabee" although when Little
Chicken challenges them, they have no real reason why not.
Showing amazing resilience, Little Chicken knows that while
"Chickabee" might be different, it is right for her and regardless
of the sound she makes, she is still a chicken. Even when her
brothers and sisters reject her again, she has the courage to go
back into the world and this time she meets different things that
make different sounds which bring her joy and comfort. And then she
meets a pig . . .
This is a charming story about difference, resilience, courage and
perseverance and how these can lead to friendships, even unexpected
ones. Beautifully illustrated by Danny Snell, this story works on so
many levels. It would be a great read for classes early in this 2017
school year as new groups of children come together and learn about
each other while even younger ones will enjoy joining in with the
fabulous noises like rankety tankety, sticketty-stackety and
flippety-flappity as they learn the sorts of things that are found
on a farm.
Given the trend throughout the world towards convention and
conservatism and an expectation that everyone will fit the same
mould and be legislated or bullied into doing so, Little Chicken
could be a role model for little people that it is OK to be
different and that no one is alone in their difference.
Barbara Braxton