Little chick by Amy Hest

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Ill. By Anita Jeram. Walker, 2009. ISBN 9781406316414
(Ages 3-6) Three short stories about Little Chick make up this beautifully illustrated picture book. Little Chick longs to be able to make her carrot grow and her kite to fly. She wants to touch her star in the sky and put it in her pocket. But with the help of Old-Auntie, she realises that while she cannot always immediately do what she wants, there are things to be thankful for in the present. She is a good and patient gardener, she can skip very nicely and she is a good stretcher.
Amy Hest has created two lovely characters in a warm and loving relationship. Little Chick is enthusiastic and wants to try out the impossible. Old-Auntie is a wonderful adult, always able to think of positive things and able to reassure Little Chick about her ability to do things.
Anita Jeram's soft muted watercolours highlight this loving connection and make the story come alive. A picture of Old-Auntie putting her wing over Little Chick and protecting her in a blanket of love is very memorable as is Little Chick dragging along a leaf for a kite.
The print is large and clear and each story can be read by itself or as an interconnected whole. This would be a good read aloud for young children and would especially show the importance that caregivers can have in children's lives. It also examines the fact that sometimes people fail at what they want to achieve, but they learn important lessons on the way.
Pat Pledger